His story is real, it is poignant and is a Driver picks the music shotgun shuts his cakehole retro shirt of survival and hope. If he helps one person to seek help his fee seems paltry if a life is saved. Given our current health care system, I may also speculate that he has an extremely difficult time getting healthcare. He has been hospitalized several times since his attempt. So I am sure his fees only cover a small portion of his medical expenses. I find it interesting we are willing to condemn a person for charging a fee for his story of hope and to make a living yet. But we don’t see outrage over the ridiculous salaries of athletes, film stars, rock stars, etc. I am sure he would give up any amount he makes if his bipolar disorder would miraculously disappear! So that would get him these money maker speeches. However, I honestly feel that is a huge risk for him to take if that was true.

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