This happened to a friend of mine. However, she caught up with the Harry Potter sunflower after all this time shirt that shared with her and her son. She tried to give him her container and the man refused she then tried to give him the money he refused. She worked at the Cheesecake Factory and the same man came in about a week later when he ordered from her friend. But she paid for his ticket so he was surprised when he went to leave and found out she paid for it. Something I catch myself doing. Casting judgment by my assumptions only. I must work harder as I am not superior nor inferior to my fellow human being. Growth is essential on this journey in physical life here on earth. This shirt is really powerful and inspiring, I generally believe that they are so much to learn from it and apply in our day to day activities. Especially on how we treat ourselves and others by not making quick judgments.

Buy this shirt: Harry Potter sunflower after all this time shirt