There is so much more to this I am Mimi someone has me wrapped around their little finger to me they are my world to them shirt that will be overlooked. Grades do not define any person. Nor do grades define a teacher’s worth. The parents in this video representation come across as receptive to understanding their child’s weaknesses and strengths. While society professes to desire a fewer data-based education system, people are judging schools. And teachers based on publicized standardized test scores. But not the strengths and successes of the children overall. Also, based on the age of the boy actor, he could’ve been included in the conference to facilitate a three-way conference. The behaviors indicated by the teacher actor could be a reflection of something going on with the child. But family changes, depression, friends, extracurricular activities, etc. Our kids are amazing! Can we stop with the public witch hunt with teachers already? This shirt is ridiculous and missing out on a bigger opportunity.