I will tell you to turn your back on I am Nana someone has me wrapped around their little finger to me they are my world to them shirt and block your ears from their negative talks, it’s your body to be proud of it. Hello, it’s your life you are living not the way they want it. Live, laugh and enjoy. The one thing you can be sure of is that you will die at some point. There’s still plenty of time for you to have your dream. It’s tragic that you talk about your life in the past tense. Please get some help to put as much effort into making yourself happy as you seem to do into making others happy. You deserve it at least as much as they do. I have seen people who are overweight but healthy. I have not been able to control my weight too due to family genetic but I have learned to appreciate myself coz am wonderfully made. By my greater. I do what is possible and leave the rest. God is happy with me that way.

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