The video leaves out a ton of Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved Hello Kitty and had tattoos it was me the end shirt to make a good judgment call. On how it worked out. If it would have said she accuses him ten or more times a week then yes I’d understand him being mad. If it would have said he never came home last night. So then I’d see why she concerned and upset. Details are highly important when it comes to doubting your other half. Because once you cross that bridge you may make a big impact on your relationship. You need to remember all the positive and good memories that you have together and not the doubt you have. From my personal experience. So the woman comes from multiple shitty relationships. And then gets into a great one and just can’t figure out how to make it work. Some people just don’t know how to respect a man/woman that treats them right. I had a professor one time tell me he had a woman break up with him.

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