Imagine calling your Star Wars Stormtrooper Mickey vacay mode shirt to come and sit with your sister who just woke from a coma, and your mom telling you she cannot come to the hospital because she has a hair appointment. See, it could always be worse, so I say look for the benefit in the bright side. So it is there, you just have to keep your eyes and ears open and your heart will surely follow. The sad fact is it happens with family too. When my dad had his stroke many family members wouldn’t visit him. Yet he helped everyone financially if needed. People only care about themselves being happy and dont want to face adversity but the fact is when a friend or family member supports you in your bad time it helps you a lot! In this shirt, her friend’s reaction crushed her. When she said you knew. People are shallow. So do not have the skills to be supportive. But that must be learned and come from the soul.

Buy this shirt: Star Wars Stormtrooper Mickey vacay mode shirt