Sometimes we misunderstand and create Sunflower I’m blunt because God rolled me that way shirt from fears associated with the stored feelings. And we have to spend time clearing out those fears by consciously releasing them and replacing them with healthy ideas. Feelings imprint behaviors positive and negative onto our body’s neurological system, and it ends up stored in our cellular memory. So when we keep negging. stuff, it causes illness. It changes our vibratory efficiency by slowly deteriorating the body! As we age. Instead of healing as we built to do. So we collect the neg. energies of emotions, causing ill health! Thanks for always pointing out the things that are important! It’s all choices! It’s all about the Choices we do on how we spend our time in our lives, it’s the small things you can be wealthy with not having all the money in the world! I think everyone should see this. So that they work with no time for much of anything. Wealth can buy you things, but it can’t buy good health!

Buy this shirt: Sunflower I’m blunt because God rolled me that way shirt